Friday, May 30, 2008

HVX200 Short Movie - Cyn

Here's a trailer from the same guy that brought you "Broken" the short movie shot on the DVX. This time, though, he shoots another short entitled "Cyn" with the HVX200 using HD 720p native using four 8GB P2 cards. He shot this short for the "On the Lot" competition I mentioned in a previous post. He shot it in 6 days with a budget of under $1,000. I still think anything even close to a grand is way too much to spend on a short film.

Director/Editor: Alex Ferrari
Producer: Kyra Ozuna

Thursday, May 29, 2008

DVX100 Short Movie - Broken

Here's the trailer from a short flick that's been making rounds since 2006 and has been selected in over 140 international film festivals. It has HUGE production value for a movie that's been shot on the DVX, but most of it comes from the post-production aspect. According to the site, it's also been a springboard towards a feature film version in development. The director was also an entry in Spielberg's FOX reality show, On The Lot, but he got eliminated early. By the way, on a side note, it looks as if they're not coming out with another season of On the Lot. Oh well...too bad.

Director: Alex Ferrari
Writer/Producer: Jorge Flores Rodrigues of Fortuity Films